Top Four Reasons to Shop Farm to Table

It’s an investment in the local food system.

Shopping farm-to-table allows farmers to continue growing food, ensuring they will be there in the future. It’s essential to develop and maintain local food systems in order for communities to be self-reliant and not wholly dependent on food being transported from other places. Fuel shortages, natural disasters, blackouts, and other major challenges put a strain on the supply chain. In order to have more trustworthy food security, it’s imperative that communities maintain the ability to meet their own needs. Choosing to purchase local food directly from the producer allows farmland to stay as farms and keeps more farmers farming. Farmland is being developed at a rapid rate, and with the loss of farmland, the skills and knowledge of the farmer are being lost as well.

It develops unique relationships.

Purchasing directly from the producer allows the customer to get to know the farmer and become more knowledgeable about how the food is grown. The customer can then develop trust in the growing practices, feel confident in the food being purchased, and have a healthier relationship with the food itself. In turn, the farmer has the added joy of knowing who they are feeding. Farmer’s Markets are a common intersection for customers and producers and are an asset to any community. They are a fun and social way for people to come together around a common love for locally produced food.

It decreases waste.

It’s estimated that between 30-40% of all food produced in America gets thrown away. I have to think eliminating the many unnecessary steps that separate customers from knowing where their food actually comes from would be a valuable step in fixing this problem. Appreciating the land, knowing the farmer, understanding the labor that goes into growing the food, and valuing the life/death of an animal that is harvested for meat are all things that would help us as a society have a healthier relationship with food. Farm-to-table is also less wasteful of fuel, and often extra packaging, that are expended when food has to be shipped long distances.

It is delicious, nutritious, and beautiful.

Produce that will be sold locally is picked at its peak whereas commercially grown produce is often picked before it is ripe to allow for transport time. This improves flavor and freshness. Beef that was raised completely on pasture has less cholesterol, more Omega-3 fatty acids, and a fuller flavor profile. Pasture-raised pork is more nutrient dense and has higher-quality fat. Locally grown flowers are typically picked the morning of the purchase compared to imported flowers which will have been picked a week or more in advance.

So now that you know the best reasons to shop farm to table, you’re ready to start supporting your local farmers. Maybe you aren’t sure where to find them or how to make these changes to your shopping habits. Here are some tips to get you started.



This blog post was written in participation in a Blogging Bee–an online gathering reminiscent of the quilting bees and sewing bees of days past when women would bring their work together to create art. If you enjoyed this post with the theme of “Four,” take a look at these posts from other farmers, small business owners, homesteaders, and creatives.

4 Things to Consider When You Buy Piglets for Your Home Raised Free Range Pork by Joanna Shepherd

The Easy Cut Flower Garden by Brooke Fraser Slack



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